Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Love and Marriage -> Part 1 ~ In The Beginning

Side note to start: Last school year I was at Tyndale College, University and Seminary and the year before that I was at YWAM. I state these two things only to support the following: I AM A NOTE TAKER! I especially love taking notes when I am listening to a really good speaker. Half the time my notes don't make a ton of sense to me later, but I find that I will listen better if I know that I want to write down the things that I find interesting or just a cool point in general. So, even as I sit at home listening to a sermon off of my computer, I still find myself searching frantically for a piece of paper and a pen. The following is the first 2 of 9 pages of notes I took well listening to Voddie Baucham in my sleepless hours of night.

Most of the following quotes/statements/points are direct quotes from Voddie and his teaching:

~Genesis 2:18-25
~Marriage was God's idea, not Adam's
~In the beginning God said two things, "Let there be" and "It is God"
~The first time that God says "It is not good" is when he sees Adam alone (Genesis 2:18)
~Marriage was God's idea before the fall, so it is a good, holy and beautiful thing
~Don't go around talking bad about marriage for it was created to be a beautiful thing

~There are two purposes of marriage:
1- Procreation ~ children are a blessing and an inheritance from the Lord
2- Illustration (Ephesians 5) ~ A living example of the relationship of Christ and the church

~Our life is about more than ourselves, our desires, and our satisfactions
~Our life is about more then getting all we can and canning all we get and then sitting on the can
~There are two purposes for marriage in the Bible, and your happiness is not one of them, suck it up and go work it out
~Somewhere in the book of "2nd hesitation" we learned that there are things we must wait for until we can get married

~God's the one that causes us to desire marriage
~Don't you dare go around ashamed or apologizing for desiring what God wants for you: A MARRIAGE
~God desires to give you the best
~Marriage is a gift to you from God

~A marriage relationship transcends all other relationships
~ Don't buy the lies of this world, when the truths of the Bible are so much more important

~A verse, from a song, that has stuck out in my head from the music played before this sermon goes as follows:
"I will live to love You,
I will live to bring You praise,
I will live a child in awe of you."


emily said...

thats cool trisha. but who names their kid Voddie??? seriously.

cathforeva said...

i agree. that's a silly name.