Thursday, January 26, 2006


Today I was thinking back to my time spent in Calgary and Thailand with YWAM in 2003-2004. I remembered today how much of my heart is devoted to missions work in other countries. I forget sometimes, well I am living in the busy city of Toronto, what those six months of my life were like. However it only takes a single word to bring back a thousand memories. The mere mention of the word Thailand or mountains or Alberta and my heart skips a beat. I get so excited and all these things that I am passionate about are aroused in me again. How easy it is to loose focus, to loose a vision you once had... The sweetest moments are when you find your way back and start learning to work towards those visions again. YWAM will always be a part of my heart. I learned so many things, experienced so much, met so many amazing people, and gained new visions and dreams there. Thank you Phrajaaw (God in Thai) for all the places that you take us, and for your plan in it all.

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