This past week we had the huge blessing of having Steve Bartel come and speak to us about street children. Steve comes with an incredible history of working with street children in Bogota, Columbia and directing a ministry called “Formando Vidas”. The stories he told and the wisdom he shared was absolutely inspiring. Steve shared with us about the three categories of street children: pre-street, on the streets and of the streets. We looked into what God’s heart for street children is, what the felt needs and actual needs of a street child are, and specific characteristics that apply to a lot of street children and their families. We were also very blessed to be given a sneak peak into the ministry that Steve directs. He shared with us secrets and practical tools that are involved in the running of “Formando Vidas”. Along with it was the impacting way Steve remained humble while teaching of how the ministry has been running for 25 years and of how to keep God at the centre of a ministry.
One of the most impacting things of the week was when Steve was talking about working with the kids God has called you to and that you do not have to, nor can you, save all the children. We have a responsibility to work with the children God has called us to and He will call others to work with the other children. One of the main new understandings I got this week was that it is possible! We don’t have to be discouraged. We just need to be walking daily with the Lord and letting Him speak into our hearts what He wants us to do. God was speaking to me particularly today after Steve’s story this morning, in the area of my willingness to lay a person down.
I have really developed a love for street people over the past year or so. This week confirmed a lot of observations I had made and been taught during my time on the streets in Toronto. The main question I think this weeks teaching brought out in me was in what way might God be calling me to work long term with people who are street involved. I will seek the answer by reading scripture and by seeking the Lord in prayer and listening to what my Wonderful Maker is saying.
Community life has been good this week. I have been in my bed by 10:30 (not necessarily sleeping though) at the latest every night except for one, which was an exception because my friend told me she was pregnant and I was so excited that I kept talking to her. Rebecca and I have been getting closer and sharing more with each other, which I absolutely love! She is such a cool girl and I love learning about her. Her heart, her dreams/visions, desires, her life and everything she has to teach me about this beautiful country she lives in. Intercession was cool this week. What a wonderful blessing to get to spend time admiring God’s creation and praying with our roommates. I love my work duty, with minimal frustrations. One of my favourite things about my work duty is the time I get to spend with Meleah during and after it is done. Jessica is also around a lot of the time which is so much fun. I love their hearts and their spirits. Richard also comes around and is highly entertaining for us in the kitchen. He is such a fun dad like man to have around. One thing I wish I had done better this week was, talked to Ann more and helped her feel even more welcome in our class. I am learning how to be even more of an encourager and complimenter (I know it’s not a word) more and more to my friends here. It is something 2 of my good friends from DTS have blessed me with, being encouraged and complimented myself that is. I pray that it overflows into my friendships back at home as well. I have processed some more this week. God is so cool and I have been encouraged and challenged a lot during my time with Him. I want to continue working on sleeping more and processing this week. I would also like to be spending more time just studying the scriptures.
This upcoming week I am looking forward to being taught about HIV/AIDS and grief counselling for children. I believe that it will be so vital to have knowledge in those areas, not only for our field assignment time but also for the rest of our lives no matter where we end up living.
hey bud. great post. im so excited for all you are learning!
love you
Sounds like you are doing a fantastic course. I can only imagine the challenges both spiritually and emotionally. Your posts have challenged me and encouraged me to give more and become better equiped to deal with a hurting world, especially the children.
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