Monday, April 23, 2007

Week 2 Summary...

*** When I am posting my weekly summaries, it is actually what I wrote for my weekly summary that I hand in to my school leaders every week. That is why there is at times things written that you may not understand why it is there, it is usually a class requirement***

This past week the topic was “What if you Got Involved – The Biblical Basis for Social Action.” We had a number of different speakers this week. Ed Morales taught us about meditating on Scripture as well he taught us on justice and injustice. Michael Kelly continued teaching us on justice and injustice. As well with Michael, we looked at church history and the church’s involvement with government. Steve Good came in and talked to us about our hearts, God’s heart and seeking out what we can do to help children and families in crisis. Olivia Jackson finished off our week of class by talking to us about human rights and advocacy.

It is hard to pick the most impacting information of the week. It was a heavy week full of heart provoking things. One of the things I think I really soaked in from all the speakers was to think about what you can do and what God might be calling you to do. I am loving being reminded over and over again how important scripture is and to know it. It is amazing how the answers really are in the scriptures, if we would just take the time to read them and really seek out what God is trying to say thru them. Ed said something along the lines of “We have to start with Christ, before we act on anything.” How important that is, and how much I want that statement to be true of my life.

Steve started his talk by asking, “What moves us?” It has been cool to think about that this week. Children and woman working in prostitution, being abused and trafficked, and made to feel like nothing… kids living on the streets… people doing drugs to escape… All these things usually because they feel they have nowhere else to go or options of what do to, these are the things that move me. Being a mom and a wife and working alongside my husband in some sort of ministry also pulls me so strongly. So what does that mean for my life? What am I to do? Where am I to go? I felt God speaking about it this week to me, so I am continuing to pray about that area and use discernment.

This week in the community I continued to love it. I have moved past DTS talk with people and been able to dive deeper into friendships, seeking to hear what’s on people’s hearts and how they are really doing. I love those kinds of friendships. It’s funny because before I came here I was talking to my friend back home about the fact that I felt like my heart was so full with love before I left, and that it was hard to imagine that in a week’s time, I would know all these new people and even though I felt like my heart was already full, there would still be room in it for the new people I meet, and there really has been. I feel so blessed that I can love people so easily, especially the people that others have problems with. I love the … unwanted? … unaccepted? I’m not sure what the right word is; I just know that they are God’s children as well and need love. I just pray that it will be honouring and glorifying to God, because He is the one that created me this way. I want to be aware to always give him the credit for compliments that people give me. I need to get more sleep. I struggle with it at home as well. I’m such a night owl, but Rebecca is going to hold me accountable to being in bed way earlier. I’ll let you know on next week’s summary how sleeping is going! I am very excited for this week’s upcoming teaching by Steve Bartel. I have heard such good things about him and the way that he makes you think. I hope my brain can handle it. I think I might need to be processing more then I am. So those are my goals for this week: Process more and go to sleep earlier!

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