Tuesday, April 10, 2007

His children...

Our topic this week is: Why we’re here – A Framework for Action. Our speaker is our school leader. Her name is Janna. She is a wonderful woman with a huge heart for the children who live at risk and for those that God is calling into those children’s lives. We started class on Monday talking about how we ended up at the school and sharing scriptures that have influenced our journey here. We went on to be given an enormous amount of depressing statistics of the world’s children. I was going to share some of those figures with you but I’ve decided not to because it is not the numbers that count, it is the individual lives that make up the numbers that matter. God knows and created every single one of the children who live in a circumstance that He did not want for them. They are the result of a life being lived in a fallen world. But God cares and he wants us to care as well. Here are seven things I learned today about the intention that God has for His wonderful little ones:

1- God creates every unique person as a child with dignity.
God intends that no one prevent a child’s life from fulfilling His purpose. Respecting the image of God in every child demands a Christ-like response to nurture them throughout childhood.

2- Children need parental love in a broken world.
God intends for all children to be raised by at least one loving, committed adult.

3- God gives children as a gift to welcome and nurture.
God intends for children to thrive in stable and loving relationships.

4- Society has a God-given responsibility for the well-being of children and families.
God intends children to flourish in a just society.

5- Children are a promise of hope for every generation.
God intends that each generation will extend faith and fullness of life to the next. God intends that this generation grasp the centrality of children to his purposes for our time.

6- God welcomes children fully into the family of faith.
God intends for churches to provide children with opportunities to know him and fulfil their calling in the body of Christ.

7- Children are essential to the mission of God.
God intends that His church be a witness in every community of His transforming power, so that His purpose for every child can be accomplished.

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