Sunday, October 22, 2006

The strongest desire...

The strongest desire in me right now is to pack all my stuff and my puppy in my car and head west. I want to keep driving until this feeling goes away... This feeling of unsettledness... This deep ache that someone or something or someplace is missing from my life. I am on a journey right now to figure out where this ache is coming from. It might just be coming from a place that here in Ontario, though I am surrounded by family and some good friends, I am extremely lonely. I came across this quote today that I loved about loneliness.

Henri Nouwen' writes:

"Many people deal with [aloneness] through loneliness. That means you experience your aloneness as a wound, as something that hurts you, makes you miserable... but as Christians…we are called to experience our aloneness as a gift—as God’s gift—so that in our aloneness we might discover how deeply we are loved by God. … After all in solitude we can gradually be led to the truth that we are who God made us to be"
Henri Nouwen was a celibate man who struggled with loneliness his whole life...

Oh Lord, that you will truly use this time of loneliness/aloneness as a gift, as a time of learning truths and even more realizations of how much you love me.


cathforeva said...

prayin' for yah girl!

ChenAngel said...

i hope God will continue to answer your prayers darlin!

Anonymous said...

I love ya Trish:)

Anonymous said...

Just throught of a song...."Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on" ya