I am not particularly fond of mornings usually. I like days that include sleeping in and that extra time cuddled into nice warm blankets. But sometimes, days are really worth waking up for. Last Friday was one of those days. I woke up to the prettiest sunrise I have seen in the city in a long time. Man, God can paint such pretty pictures! And I got to go to the zoo!!!!! I love the zoo! The zoo right now has some baby animals as well. They have 2 baby tigers, and a baby gorilla. They have some other babies but the tigers and the gorillas were the only ones we got to see. I love baby animals! So cute! My dad retired from teaching last spring, but is now supply teaching whenever he is asked. His old school was going to the zoo and needed parent volunteers to go. He volunteered himself and me to go. So I was given a group of four, grade two, children. All of whom were super cute, and friendly, and SLOW! But I loved it! Pretty sunrise, fun kids, and the zoo! That for sure was a day worth waking up for!

cool pics trish! wow you were up to see the sunrise haha jk
Oh my love... thank you for calling to wake me up that morning. I love looking at these pictures you've taken!
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