Monday, May 07, 2007


I have decided to post pictures and a little bit about some of the people on the base here, both in my class and not. So let me start by introducing Rebecca...

Rebecca is 22 years old. She is my roomate and also in the Children at Risk School. She is from the Swiss-German part of Switzerland, but has wonderful English skills. She is musically gifted in singing and playing the guitar. She has a passion for working with child soldiers. Rebecca has twin fourteen year old sisters and a three year old brother. She used to work in a chocolate factory. If she could be a chocolate, she would be the kind with the bubbles in it. Her favourite place she has ever been in the world is South Africa. Rebecca likes to be in bed early (so I am learning to go to bed earlier as well) and she tends to talk to me in Swiss-German in her sleep. She is becoming a really good friend of mine!

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