I used to always dislike school a lot. I never thought I was very smart at any subject and as a result I didn't always do well in school. I was better at leaving school then sticking with it. Over this past year, those thoughts changed. I had my heart set on going to a different school in a different country and was waiting to hear from them. It was during this waiting period that I got a call from another school here in Toronto asking if I wanted to come and meet with an admissions rep. I had previously requested information from the school but I had forgotten all about it. So I went and met with this guy and we talked about the programs that they offered and what I would be interested in and before I knew it I was writing an admissions test, getting accepted and sitting in a classroom about to be trained to become an addictions worker. It was a little crazy how it all happened so fast. I was scared ... especially when I found out on my first day of class that I had been accepted to the school in the other country and now thanks to college I wasn't going to be able to go. But a wise friend calmed me down and asked "Which one of these things never could have happened unless God planned it?" The answer was college, so I stuck with it. It was a crazy adventure with very interesting fellow students/friends. This past Sunday all the crazy adventures with college came to an end at my graduation ceremony. They read my name off that little card, "Trisha Cullington, Addictions Worker, with honours". I smiled when I heard that "With honours" part. I got an average of 90% overall in a program!?! And all at once I was overwhelmed by how gracious God has been to me this past year. He sustained me and taught me so much through the many adventures of my past school year. He has always believed in me. He has always known that I was smart and that I can complete things, and complete them well and now I know those things to be true as well.