It is amazing the things you can fall in love with... places, animals, people… This summer I spent a lot of time with my new puppy, Daisy. It was an immediate love that I had for her. I have loved getting to watch her grow over the summer. It has been a privilege to teach her new things and care for her. This summer I also fell in love with a boy. His name is David and he is 7 months old. What an amazing baby he is. For a week in August I got to go up to Jackson's Point Salvation Army Camp with a group of moms and their kids. For an entire week I got to cuddle this little baby and feed him and sing him to sleep, while his mom got to have time to relax a little bit. It was wonderful. It is funny how love for certain things often stirs up love for other things in your heart. Africa, missions, orphanages and the list goes on, are some of the few things baby David stirred in my heart. He reminded me of the call God has on my life to help and care for those who are unable to care for themselves. I love remembering how much God loves the little children and how much we should as well and man do I ever love this little boy...