* things added to the list after the original post are in italics *
Summer in the city??? This is the first summer in 6 summers that I have not been up north at Muskoka Woods working for the summer. I have been a guest or a staff member there for the last 16 summers, so the idea of spending a summer in the city is a very foreign concept to me. I am already feeling like I might go insane. So to prevent insanity I have decided to set some goals for things I would like to do this summer. They are as follows:
1- Learn Sign Language (and not just the alphabet, I mean really learn it and become capable of communicating through it)
2- Read at least 10 books
3- Go on at least one road trip
4- Learn to play 3 songs on my guitar (I am still learning the cords as of now)
5- Paint ... I am not sure what yet, I guess I'll wait to be inspired
6- Take my new puppy, Daisy, to obedience class
7- Finish drawing my "captivating" book
8- Mail my best friend Amanda, who is up north at camp for the summer, a letter/card every week
9- As well, every week randomly send someone else up north a letter/card
10- Visit Muskoka Woods at least 3 times
11- Reconnect and hang out with my friends who live in the city
12- Every day that I am home, go for a run or do lengths in my pool
13- Cross stitch 2 pictures
14- Start volunteering in some way with my church's neighborhood connections program
15- Attend church every week and spend time daily doing devotions
16- Do my school placement, and do it well
17- Stay in touch with friends who live far away
18- Visit other people who have stayed home from Muskoka Woods this summer
19- Find a quiet place, within 1/2 hour of my house that I can go to get away and hopefully see the stars at night (that the city lights inconveniently drown out)
20- Hang out with Erica and Grant (my Godson) a lot
21- Journal daily
22- Spend a day at a spa
23- Go to the zoo
24- Go to a butterfly conservation area
25- Spend a day antique shopping/browsing
26- Go on a walk above the trees (Scenic Cave Nature Adventure (?))
27- Get a part-time job (?)
28- Have Jay visit me
29- Go horseback riding
30- Swim with the polar bears (Polar Bear Habitat)
As the summer goes on I may find new things to add to this list, but for now I think the things I have listed will definitely keep me occupied. If you have any suggestions on things I should do feel free to let me know!
For those of you who are spending the summer up north, have an amazing time and appreciate everything up there even when you are tired and the "well-off" children are driving you crazy.