Wednesday, May 24, 2006

In memory of my Cody...

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us." ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

I'm not sure about that quote above, but man I hope it's true. I really hope there are dogs (and animals in general) in Heaven. My beautiful golden retriever, Cody, had to be put to sleep today. Needless to say I am brokenhearted. I have barely stopped crying all day. He had been getting sicker the last week or a bit, so my mom and I took him in this morning to get looked at. He had stopped eating and didn't walk around much lately. They kept him at the vets to do x-rays and blood work. They x-rays came back and my poor dog's body was filled with cancerous tumors. It was awful. I can't believe how much was in his body and that he never even complained. Unfortunately there was nothing that could be done anymore and so the most humane thing to do was to put him down. I sat with him while he was given his injection and passed away peacefully. I hate that, how people and in this case animals can go from living and existing and being, right in front of you and then just be gone. It hurts so much just thinking about him being gone. I loved Cody from the moment I met him. He had a family before us but his human parents got a divorce and he was sent to a dog foster home before he got to come live with us. I can still remember driving to his temporary home with our other dog Rolly, so they could meet and make sure they would get along. Cody was just a huge suck. He always wanted to be close to someone wither you were petting him or he was just lying down making sure to keep track of your every move. He had the most beautiful wagging tail, which was so strong it had been known to knock people over, but he was just always so excited to greet the people who entered our home. He was so loving and playful, especially with our cats. He was also just so gentle. I'm going to miss Cody … probably forever. I know the pain in my heart will get better, but I will never be able to forget the love that he gave me and allowed me to give him. I love you Cody and I really hope you are getting to play in Heaven now, cancer free. I'll bring you a piece of cheese when I get there bud. Loving you always sweetheart…

Sunday, May 21, 2006

For the faith of my hairdresser...

Last fall I discovered that my hairdresser was a Christian. I was just there for a simple hair cut that day so I only spent an hour with her then. Even then in that hour she blew me away with her love for God and desire to learn more. She shared with me that she was asked to write a book on Revelations, which by no means is an easy task. So that day we talked about some of the things she had learned through her research. I left the hairdressers' that day, just amazed at this lady and her life. Yesterday I had the pleasure of hanging out with her again. This time it was for a good 3 1/2 hours. It took that long because she got my hair back to a blonde colour (it's been red for the past 3 months) and chopped quite a bit off. I loved those 3 hours yesterday. Just hanging out and chatting with her. I left feeling renewed and more in love with God then when I had walked in. I love when people can help you in that way, simply by being themselves. This woman has such an admirable faith and way at looking at the world through everything she stays so faithful and encouraging. I only hope that as I get older, I can learn to have the faith of my hairdresser.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Fast forwarding through life???

I sometimes find myself just wishing I could fast forward my life. Today is especially one of those days. In exactly two weeks my life is going to be drastically different, and I honestly wouldn't mind getting to the end of those two weeks immediately. For those of you who don't know I have been in school since December, 12th. I am going to college in downtown Toronto. Everyday for the past 6 months I have ventured onto the TTC subway; had many sketchy adventures and sat through 5 hours of class. In exactly two weeks I will be done!!!!!! Not soon enough at all. In two weeks I will have handed in my last assignment, written my last two exams, and be on my way to starting my placement. I will have also made the huge trek to the wedding I am going to next weekend. Class has been especially crazy and dramatic lately, so I am definitely looking forward to a major change of pace :) But since I can't fast forward through the next two weeks, maybe I can learn and try really hard to enjoy them... I'll keep you posted on how that goes.