Thursday, March 16, 2006

Seeing God in everything...

So I have been meaning to write this post for almost a month now but it never quite got typed...

A while back on a Sunday night, Amanda and I were talking to the very wise Chris Tompkins after Bible Study. I don't actually even remember now what that evening's topic had been about but I have been struck ever since about the stuff Chris talked about after. He started by commenting on the way we refer to things as "Christian" or "Non-Christian". Christian music, Christian artists, Christian movies etc. To that I had to agree because I know that for sure I have labeled things as Christian or Non-Christian before. Next came the comment stating, "But when you think about it, isn't everything Christian." Like for example a singer who is super talented might not have very glorifying messages in their lyrics, but they are still super talented, and can't that talent be given credit to the way God created that person and all the talents that he gave them.

It's been interesting seeing God lately in the things I never would have thought to see him in before. In those tall buildings downtown that I often say I hate, I can see the talent that God gave the architects and the builders for sure, and maybe I don't hate them so much after all.

Just something to think about ... and thank you Chris for getting me started on thinking about it.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


The Webster dictionary defines priority as "status established in order of importance or urgency." Priority is a word and a concept I have been thinking a lot about lately. What makes someone or something or someplace a priority in my life? And once that one, or thing, or place has established a priority in my life what does that mean to my actions? Do I go out of my way to see or talk to that person, or go to that place, or do that thing that apparently means so much to me? And with people, do they even know that I consider them a priority? Do my actions go along with the statement of "You are a priority to me"? Can people feel it? I know what I want my top priority to be ... God. But do I act like it?

Also along the lines of priority... how can I really tell if I am a priority to someone else? Should I get my answer from their words or their actions or both? And what should I do if the two don't match up; if statements made, are proven false by someone’s actions, what do you do then?

I have been thinking about some of my friends that as the days go by I talk to less and less, people who once were so high on my priority list and I wonder about how everything has changed? Do the people who are a priority really know it, without a doubt? If they don't know it, then what should I be doing differently?

... Kind of just my rambling thought process in this concept of priority...

How do you personally let someone know they are a priority to you??? Feel free to comment :)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm loving my friends...

It was so good getting to see you girls this past weekend!

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Falling In Love Everyday

Falling In Love Everyday
by John Fischer

My friend who ministers to homeless kids in downtown Denver makes another great contribution to our thought for today. He tells a story about a lesson he learned from a fifteen-year-old blessing named Katy. Katy is not one of the homeless kids he works with, however. She is from a strong loving home, which, I'm sure, is partly responsible for the love she has to give back. As Robbie tells it:

"Katy contains in her the most powerful gift of love I have ever seen. She has grown up loving people and treasuring them in her heart. When Katy was very young, her little body suffered a stroke that has caused many life struggles for her and her family. Now at fifteen she still has many challenges, but she also has many gifts. I learned this week from her how to fall in love again each time you see someone. I tell people I love them but I often forget what it's like to fall in love with them. Katy doesn't forget. She falls in love with you everyday. She allows you to be the star of her show; she puts your name in lights. She remembers everyday as the day she fell in love."

Robbie goes on to write about how he took Katy's perspective back to the street kids he works with. He now makes a conscious effort to fall in love with each one of them every day -- to see them as Katy would see them. When you realize that everyone is made in the image of God, you can't help but fall in love.

In occurs to me that in seeing people this way, Katy is merely emulating what God does. I'm sure God gives us gifts like Katy to teach us things like this about Himself. God takes delight in each one of us. This is why He made us, and this is why our primary purpose is to be in relationship with Him. He made us in order to love us, and each day is like falling in love all over again.

Take delight in God today and know He delights in you. Start by falling in love with God. Then fall in love with the people you meet today. Anybody. Everybody. Make them the stars of your show. Put their names in lights. If Katy can do it, we can. And then remember this day as the day you fell in love.

"Let love be your highest goal." (1 Corinthians 14:1)

John Fischer is the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotionals.
He resides in Southern California with his wife and son.
John is also a published author and songwriter.