Lately, my life has been about school and not much else. I am loving school a lot but I haven't gotten to see any of my friends in a really long time and I've been feeling lonely. This past weekend however I got to see many people I love spending time with and I'm not so lonely anymore.
Friday night was a sleep over with my favourite girl Amanda, who loves me enough to deal with my insomnia and lets me keep her awake talking to all hours of the night. She is such an amazing friend and I can not even imagine my life without her in it! Thanks for being you darling!

A Saturday would not be complete without sitting in a cold skating arena, watching my girl Vicky skate. She did so wonderful and it was just so good to get to see her. Vic, it seems like just yesterday we were co-counselors and passing out stickers for a completed list of checks by our little ones. You always bring a smile to my face Cheer!
Saturday night brought a sleep over with Lauren and 7 episodes of One Tree Hill in a row. HAHAHA can you say addicted! Thank you sweet girl. I love spending time with you, especially when the hot boys from OTH are involved!
Sunday was a wonderful day as well. I went to the ACC with my mom, dad, Beth, Jim, and the Girouard "hockey" family, Terry, Fiona, Erica and Grant. We went to watch the Leafs skills competition. It is amazing how much skill they actually do have when a game is not at risk.
Sunday night was Bible Study at the Evans' place. I have only been going for a couple weeks now, but it is a time and place I have come to cherish and love. It was especially good because this Sunday we had quite a few special people show up that don't normally come.
I just wanted to send a big thank you out to all those who made this past weekend a wonderful one. I love you all!